MTSA Technopower 5.0 is a technology company that designs and builds equipment. Our ingenuity helps customers innovate. In this way, MTSA is working worldwide on the transition to a safe and sustainable society. We think this is important.
At MTSA Technopower 5.0 they already knew more than 10 years ago that clean technology was our future. They saw then that the energy and chemistry of the future would no longer come from oil, gas or coal, but from renewable sources such as sun, wind, CO2, biomass and recycled materials. And that’s what they do today: circular, green installations.
MTSA Technopower 5.0 received the Lifeport pearl award on Thursday 16 June from the mayor of the municipality of Arnhem Ahmed Marcouch
In 2022 the pilot plant for biological treatment of blast furnace gases was installed at the steel production site of ArcelorMittal in Ghent and connected to the blast furnace gas piping. The pilot plant enables the use of industrial CO2 emissions for bio manufacturing! In the gas fermentation process microbes consume and convert CO2, avoiding its […]Read more »
Waiting for green hydrogen? If it is up to GROHW, our patience will not be tested for long. GROHW is making important steps in the development and realization of a decentralized green hydrogen system. MTSA Technopower 5.0, one of GROHW’s partners and a frontrunner in hydrogen technology, demonstrates its technical skills with the demo setup […]Read more »
By signing the contract for the supply of MTSA Make Switch 1210 and MTSA Master Break Switch 1214 with associated peripheral equipment for the expansion and modernization of the High Power Laboratory in Bangalore, the national Central Power Research Institute (CPRI) of India makes a final decision for the environmentally friendly technology of MTSA Technopower […]Read more »