

MTSA delivers CO2 electrolysis pilot

07 Juni 2023

MTSA Technopower 5.0 specializes in supporting scaling up innovations in the field of Cleantech, clean technology that makes sustainable production possible. In order to become completely climate neutral, the chemical industry must stop using fossil fuels and raw materials and stop emitting CO2. This means, for example, the reduction of CO2 emissions by converting this […]Weiter lesen »

TNO-ZEUS-CO2 elektrolyser

Pilot plant for chemical conversion of biomass installed at KU Leuven

27 Februar 2023

After finalizing design, construction and factory testing, the pilot plant built by MTSA Technopower 5.0 for chemical conversion of biomass was installed at TRANSfarm, a KU Leuven core facility. The pilot plant is part of the KU Leuven Biocon platform. This platform is a scale-up facility to accelerate the transition towards a sustainable circular bio-economy. […]Weiter lesen »

Pilot plant chemical conversion biomass to lignin

Mobile Fermentation Pilot Plant successful in operation

10 Februar 2023

In 2022 the pilot plant for biological treatment of blast furnace gases was installed at the steel production site of ArcelorMittal in Ghent and connected to the blast furnace gas piping. The pilot plant enables the use of industrial CO2 emissions for bio manufacturing! In the gas fermentation process microbes consume and convert CO2, avoiding its […]Weiter lesen »

BBEPP pilot

Demo green hydrogen production installation for GROHW project opened at MTSA

29 September 2022

Waiting for green hydrogen? If it is up to GROHW, our patience will not be tested for long. GROHW is making important steps in the development and realization of a decentralized green hydrogen system. MTSA Technopower 5.0, one of GROHW’s partners and a frontrunner in hydrogen technology, demonstrates its technical skills with the demo setup […]Weiter lesen »

Opening GROHW - MTSA hydrogen electrolysis installation

MTSA Technopower 5.0 erhält den Pearl Award für die Arbeit am Übergang zu einer nachhaltigen Zukunft

17 Juni 2022

Loek van Veggel, CEO von MTSA Technopower 5.0, erhielt am Donnerstag, den 16. Juni, den Lifeport Pearl Award vom Bürgermeister der Gemeinde Arnheim, auch Vorsitzender des Wirtschaftsausschusses, Ahmed Marcouch, und Rijn Platteel, Direktor des The Economic Board. MTSA entwickelt und baut kundenspezifische Cleantech-Anlagen, -Systeme und -Maschinen. So arbeitet das Unternehmen jeden Tag an der Energiewende, […]Weiter lesen »

Parel Award

Mobile Pilotanlage für Fermentationsprozess bei ArcelorMittal Gent installiert

07 Juni 2022

Kürzlich wurde eine mobile Pilotanlage zur biologischen Behandlung von Hochofengasen realisiert. Nach Planung und Realisierung am Standort von MTSA Technopower 5.0 wurde die Anlage am Stahlproduktionsstandort von ArcelorMittal in Gent installiert. Die Pilotanlage ermöglicht die Nutzung industrieller CO2-Emissionen für die Bioproduktion!   In einem als „Gasfermentation“ bezeichneten Prozess verbrauchen und wandeln Mikroben CO2 um und […]Weiter lesen »

Pilot plant - demo plant

MTSA spricht auf dem ECCM Konferenz 2022

07 Juni 2022

Am 24. Juni wird MTSA auf der ECCM-Konferenz (Electrochemical Conversion and Materials) in Den Haag sprechen. Lernen Sie Jerome van Beek kennen, der durch die Präsentation “GROHW – Dezentrales Wasserstoff- Ökosystem im Osten der Niederlande” das GROHW-Projekt erklären wird, bei dem grüner Wasserstoff in einer Demo für lokale Anwendung produziert wird. Melden Sie sich über […]Weiter lesen »

Treffen Sie MTSA Technopower 5.0 auf der Hannover Messe

13 Mai 2022

MTSA Technopower 5.0 nimmt an der Hannover Messe 2022 teil. Wir freuen uns, Sie am Stand Halle 3, Stand A20, (B38) begrüßen zu dürfen, wo wir Sie gerne über dezentrale Power-to-Gas-, Gas-to-Power- und Power-to-Power-Anlagen informieren. Über diesen Link können Sie sich zur Hannover Messe anmelden. Wir sehen uns in Hannover!Weiter lesen »


MTSA spricht auf dem Kivi Hydrogen Congress 2022

13 Mai 2022

Neugierig auf die Vision von MTSA Technopower 5.0 im Bereich Energiewende? Melden Sie sich über diesen Link für den Kivi Hydrogen Congress 2022 am 20. Mai an. Und lernen Sie Rob van der Sluis kennen, der Ihnen die MTSA-Vision anhand der Präsentation „Dezentrale Wasserstoffelektrolyse und Power-to-Power (P2P)-Systeme“ erläutert.Weiter lesen »

MTSA Waterstof Elektrolyse en Power to Power P2P apparatuur

MTSA H2-Technologie auf dem World Hydrogen Summit 2022 vorgestellt

11 Mai 2022

Während des World Hydrogen Summit 2022 in Rotterdam präsentierte MTSA Technopower 5.0 seine Wasserstoff (H2)-Technologielösungen im NL-Pavillon. Die Veranstaltung war gut besucht, auch aufgrund der stark wachsenden Nachfrage, mehr grüne Energie zu produzieren und zu nutzen. Bei großem Interesse an den H2-Produkten von MTSA war es eine erfolgreiche Teilnahme und mit den vielfältigen Kontakten werden […]Weiter lesen »

MTSA Hydrogen Elektrolysers and Power to Power (P2P) Systems

Bio Base MOBILE Pilotanlage auf dem Weg zu ArcelorMittal

09 Mai 2022

Die Bio Base MOBILE Pilotanlage ist auf dem Weg zu ArcelorMittal in Gent! Es ermöglicht die Nutzung industrieller CO2-Emissionen für die Bioproduktion! In einem als „Gasfermentation“ bezeichneten Prozess verbrauchen und wandeln Mikroben CO2 um und verhindern so, dass es in unsere Atmosphäre gelangt, während sie gleichzeitig nachhaltige Bioprodukte herstellen.   Design und Konstruktion realisiert von […]Weiter lesen »

Pilot Plant Demo Plant

CPRI setzt auf umweltfreundliche MTSA-Switches

28 April 2022

Mit der Vertragsunterzeichnung über die Lieferung von MTSA Make Switch 1210 und MTSA Master Break Switch 1214 mit zugehöriger Peripherie für den Ausbau und die Modernisierung des Kurzschlusslabors in Bangalore macht das nationale Central Power Research Institute (CPRI) Indiens ein Finale Entscheidung für die umweltfreundliche Technologie von MTSA Technopower 5.0. 2021 entschied sich CPRI auch […]Weiter lesen »

MTSA Master Break Switch 1214

Can you make a living on air and wind?

24 Februar 2022

Yes, you can! Wind and air are omnipresent and contain almost all building blocks: energy, oxygen, nitrogen, carbon and hydrogen that you will find in many contemporary products. Think of all plastics, but also medicines, proteins and food are mainly made up of the elements C, H, O and N. Carbon and hydrogen are traditionally […]Weiter lesen »

Electro Chemistry pilot plant

Hydrogen system integration by MTSA: SinneWetterstof

03 November 2021

The SinneWetterstof project of Alliander and GroenLeven focuses on the conversion of solar power to hydrogen through electrolysis. MTSA Technopower 5.0 designs and supplies the integration of the electrolyser and hydrogen compressor into a complete system for this project. The aim of the project is to make the electricity system more flexible by applying hydrogen […]Weiter lesen »


GROHW continues accelerating and moves on to phase two: a demonstration

13 Oktober 2021

The GROHW collective has been awarded a second subsidy via the OP Oost programme (REACT-EU), making a demonstration of the complete hydrogen system possible. With this contribution to promoting sustainability on a local scale, the collaboration between local companies and institutions continues to collectively employ its forces to accelerate the energy transition. In phase two […]Weiter lesen »

Energy Management System

HyScaling: Green hydrogen as an economic perspective

20 Juli 2021

To develop and promote hydrogen technology with Dutch companies, the collaborating parties in the HyScaling project have set clear goals. One of them is, that electrolysers have to be developed that perform better to produce green hydrogen. In addition, the production must also be more efficient and cheaper. The consortium wants to develop a good […]Weiter lesen »

Green power into Hydrogen

Lignin-first biorefinery at pilot-scale: KULeuven and MTSA Technopower 5.0 finalising detailed design

01 Juli 2021

We are proud to communicate that MTSA Technopower 5.0 is working on the detailed design and construction of a prototype lignin-first biorefinery pilot-scale installation for KU Leuven. With this project MTSA is further contributing to the development and scale-up of bio-based processes to enable the transition to a safe and sustainable environment. Click here for […]Weiter lesen »

Pilot plant

MTSA Make Switch 1210 successfully tested at KEMA LABS

28 Mai 2021

This month a number of tests were performed on the MTSA Make Switch 1210 at KEMA Labs in Arnhem in, The Netherlands. The tests were based on norm IEC 62271-103:2021. Make Switch 1210 passed all tests with flying colors, which confirmed the preset ratings: High Voltage Tests – Voltage withstand test according subclause 7.2 – […]Weiter lesen »

MTSA Make Switch 1210

MTSA Technopower 5.0 joins the Electrolyser Makersplatform NL

08 April 2021

MTSA Technopower 5.0 joins the Electrolyser Makersplatform NL, a joining of forces of Dutch companies to accelerate electrolysis development. The platform was launched today during the online ‘Innovation Expo 2021’ event in the presence of the outgoing Minister of Economic Affairs and Climate, Bas van ‘t Wout. During the launch an introduction film was shown […]Weiter lesen »

2 MW Electrolyser

MTSA broadens knowledge in the field of Pyrolysis

08 Dezember 2020

With participation in the Calibra project led by TNO and supported by RVO, MTSA has strengthened its knowledge and experience regarding Pyrolysis and Pyrolysis installations. Calibra stands for: Cascading Lignin BioRefinery Approach. It has been shown that pyrolysis can convert lignin-rich types of biomass into a portfolio of aromatic products that can be used in, […]Weiter lesen »

Calibra - Pyrolyse

Summer heat for the winter

09 Oktober 2020

To create a sustainable world, MTSA has developed and manufactured a prototype heat battery that can store summer heat on behalf of and in collaboration with a technical institute. Like a normal battery stores electricity, the heat battery stores heat. For example, summer heat can be stored to dissipate winter cold. The heart of the […]Weiter lesen »

Pilot installation

Gelderland organizations are advancing the green hydrogen chain

14 September 2020

Five Gelderland organizations with the support of the Province of Gelderland the Municipality of Arnhem and the Arnhem Ondernemersfonds are joining forces to make Gelderland a frontrunner in the energy transition. Together they are conducting a feasibility study into a green hydrogen Power-to-Power / Power-2-X installation that can be deployed locally on wind and solar […]Weiter lesen »

Joining Forces P2P / P2X

MTSA designs and builds pyrolysis pilot plant

03 August 2020

The development of innovative chemical processes for the production of renewable products from residual biomass is needed to find sustainable alternatives for petrochemical based products. By thermal depolymerization of biomass feedstock via pyrolysis and recovering the pyrolysis vapours in a limited number of fractions, biobased additives for applications such as bitumen, rubber, marine fuels, resins […]Weiter lesen »

Pyrolysis Pilot Plant

New project for MTSA to design and build a containerized mobile pilot plant

23 Juli 2020

MTSA Technopower 5.0 has been awarded a new project to design and build a containerized mobile pilot plant for microbial gas fermentation of a variety of industrial and synthetic gases. To reduce CO2 emissions and replace fossil fuel, it has become necessary to develop new, environmentally friendly biotechnologies, including re-use of materials previously considered as […]Weiter lesen »

Accelerate Energy Transition in Deventer with GROHW

20 Juli 2020

We are proud to announce that MTSA Technopower 5.0 participates in the sustainable Deventer initiative “GROHW”. Green hydrogen system in Deventer Ten companies and institutions have taken the initiative to develop a scalable hydrogen system in Deventer. Hydrogen is an essential link in the energy transition towards zero emission. The initiative focuses on the technical […]Weiter lesen »

Joining Forces Electrolyses

EAE Electric applies MTSA Technology in HPL

25 Mai 2020

EAE Electric is modernizing and expanding its High Power Lab. EAE applies modern MTSA Make Switches. These are environmentally friendly and use compressed air.The electrical insulation between the poles is also clean compressed air. In addition, MTSA Make Switches are very fast and extremely accurate. This is important, because with AC the current and voltage […]Weiter lesen »

Make Switch

Corona virus – Covid19

25 Mai 2020

In connection with the Corona virus, MTSA Technopower 5.0 and its employees follow the advice of the Dutch government and RIVM. The MTSA Technopower 5.0 team is 100% operational and stands at the disposal to her customers. We do everything we can to help you as a customer as adequate and efficient as possible. We […]Weiter lesen »

MTSA designs and builds a system for electrochemical hydrogen compression

05 Dezember 2019

The reserves of traditional fossil fuels are limited and eventually ending. An alternative for the use of traditional fossil fuel is hydrogen. The caloric value of one kg hydrogen is almost 3 times the value of a kg gasoline. Only issue is that the volume of hydrogen under atmospheric pressure is considerable voluminous and amounts […]Weiter lesen »

Hydrogen Electrochemical Compression

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