
Gelderland organizations are advancing the green hydrogen chain

14 September 2020

Five Gelderland organizations with the support of the Province of Gelderland the Municipality of Arnhem and the Arnhem Ondernemersfonds are joining forces to make Gelderland a frontrunner in the energy transition. Together they are conducting a feasibility study into a green hydrogen Power-to-Power / Power-2-X installation that can be deployed locally on wind and solar farms to match fluctuations in energy supply to demand.

September 14 was the kick-off of the ambitious project, called P2P / P2X.
There is a chain of manufacturing industry in Gelderland, mostly SMEs, knowledge institutions and certification organizations, that for quite some time have been focusing on the development and market preparation of hydrogen technology and applications. Arnhem companies have developed technology for hydrogen production and storage to match the supply and demand of green energy.

Dekra, HAN, MTSA, Alliander and Kiemt are now joining forces to compensate for the fluctuating supply of solar and wind energy, which is generated locally. With the feasibility study, the partners are investigating to what extent hydrogen can store the green energy and convert it into electricity, hot water and / or (hydrogen) gas. In this way we prevent major fluctuations in the electricity grid and green energy becomes available 24 hours a day. A big step in the energy transition.

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