MTSA Technopower 5.0 develops decentralized energy management systems that convert green electricity into hydrogen and vice versa to make green energy available 24/7 and to prevent peak loads from solar and wind farms on the electricity grid.

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MTSA Technopower 5.0 is a supplier of hydrogen systems, such as energy management systems.

The Energy Transition with MTSA

Power Management and Power to Power

Vision – Energy Transition via sun and wind energy

Sun and wind energy is sustainable, CO2 free and can be generated almost anywhere. On location, however, most of the day’s yield is usually produced in just a few hours, while during the rest of the day hardly or no green power is available. Often the 80/20 rule applies.

Therefore, sun and wind cannot simply replace fossil power plants. So far, fossil remains necessary to guarantee delivery around the clock. Until now, there is no energy buffer for green energy to match supply and demand.

Another obstacle to the large-scale application of solar and wind energy is the current grid capacity. This is often not sufficient to handle peak production from (planned) wind and solar parks.

PEM Hydrogen Fuel Cell Power Plant

MTSA Technopower 5.0: leader in Hydrogen Technology

MTSA Technopower 5.0 offers a solution. MTSA Technopower 5.0 has over 15 years of experience in hydrogen and electricity (high power) applications. MTSA Technopower 5.0 has completed leading projects including the world’s largest PEM fuel cell plants, H2 installations for emergency power supply, power packs for powering city buses and tour boats and electrochemical hydrogen compression systems. We apply this knowledge to bring the Energy Transition a step closer.

Power Management and Power to Power installation

MTSA Technopower 5.0 develops hydrogen energy systems for a sustainable future:

  • Power to Gas (P2G): Electrolyser systems for the production of green hydrogen in the capacity range of 1-10 MW.
  • Gas to Power (G2P): Fuel cell systems for the production of electricity from hydrogen in the capacity range of 0.5-5 MW.
  • Power to Power (P2P): Integrated energy management systems that combine hydrogen and electricity production.

Product overview

MTSA 50 kW Electrolyser

Main Technology: PEM
Hydrogen production: up to 0,9 kg/hr
Hydrogen purity: ISO 14687 / NEN-EN 17124
Output pressure: Up to 40 bar
Safety: CE mark
Max Input power: 50 kWe
Feed water quality: Tap water

MTSA 1 MW Electrolyser Module

Main Technology: PEM
Hydrogen production: up to 19 kg/hr
Hydrogen purity: ISO 14687 / NEN-EN 17124
Output pressure: Up to 40 bar
Safety: CE mark
Max Input power: 1 MWe
Feed water quality: Tap water

MTSA 2 MW Electrolyser Module

Main Technology: PEM
Hydrogen production: up to 38 kg/hr
Hydrogen purity: ISO 14687 / NEN-EN 17124
Output pressure: Up to 40 bar
Safety: CE mark
Max Input power: 2 MWe
Feed water quality: Tap water

MTSA 1 MW Fuel Cell System

Main Technology: PEM
Electricity production: up to 1 MWe output at 10 kV/AC
Residual heat production: up to 700 kW at 60 deg. C
Hydrogen consumption: max 63 kg/hr
Safety: CE mark

MTSA 2 MW Fuel Cell System

Main Technology: PEM
Electricity production: up to 2 MWe output at 10 kV/AC
Residual heat production: up to 1.4 MW at 60 deg. C
Hydrogen consumption: max 125 kg/hr
Safety: CE mark

MTSA Power2Power System 0,5 MW

Main Technology: PEM
Safety: CE mark

Electrolyser section
Hydrogen purity: ISO 14687 / NEN-EN 17124
Hydrogen production: Up to 9 kg/hr
Electricity consumption: up to 500 kW

Hydrogen Compressor / Storage section
Storage Capacity: 97 kg
Max pressure: 500 bar

Fuel cell section
Electricity production: up to 150 kWe output at 10 kV/AC
Hydrogen consumption: up to 9 kg/hr

MTSA Power2Power System 6 MW

Main Technology: PEM
Safety: CE mark

Electrolyser section
Hydrogen purity: ISO 14687 / NEN-EN 17124
Hydrogen production: up to 114 kg/hr
Electricity consumption: up to 6 MW

Hydrogen Compressor / Storage section
Storage Capacity: 1250 kg
Max pressure: 500 bar

Fuel cell section
Electricity production: up to 2 MWe output at 10 kV/AC
Hydrogen consumption: max 125 kg/hr


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