
Successful Factory Acceptance Test fuel cell power plant

02 May 2016

In presence of a delegation of the Chinese customer and end-user Ynnovate the Factory Acceptance Test (FAT) of worlds largest hydrogen power plant (2 MW) was successfully completed early last month. The tests at the premises of MTSA Technopower 5.0 incorporated, in addition to testing all components, subsystems and software, also the actual production of electricity out of hydrogen. For this purpose the situation at Ynnovate has been simulated at MTSA Technopower 5.0 and special measures and precautions have been taken. The produced electricity, in sofar not used by MTSA Technopower 5.0, has been supplied to the grid. The technicians of Ynnovate also received a comprehensive training.

Meanwhile the installation has been prepared for shipment. RTV Arnhem made a documentary about the shipment including an interview with MTSA project leader Jan ten Have.

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